The Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy (ASCE) is a non-profit, non-political organization incorporated in the state of Maryland in 1990, and is affiliated with the American Economic Association and the Allied Social Sciences Association of the United States. ASCE mission is to promote research, publications, and scholarly discussion on the Cuban economy in its broadest sense, including on the social, economic, legal, and environmental aspects of a transition to a free market economy and a democratic society in Cuba. ASCE is committed to a civil discussion of all points of view.
During its first nineteen years of existence, the Association’s principal activity has been its Annual Meeting, held in Miami, Florida, in late July or early August. During a three-day period, scholars, professionals and private entrepreneurs from Cuba present papers and participate in roundtable discussions. Papers, presentations and discussions, as well as roundtable summaries, are included in a volume of papers and proceedings entitled “Cuba in Transition.” ASCE seeks to broaden its contacts with economic associations outside the United States and to encourage economists and other social scientists from outside the United States to participate in its annual meetings.
ASCE also sponsors sessions on Cuba at the annual meetings of the American Economic