National Anthem

National Anthem

The Himno de Bayamo, (originally known as La Bayamesa), was written, both lyrics and music, by Pedro Figueredo in 1868, at the beginning of the Ten Years’ War, as a call to combat for the people of Bayamo.  After Independence all but the first three verses were suppressed because they were so embarrassingly anti-Spanish.  In fact, only the first and second stanzas are well known and widely sung.  They are:

Al combate, corred, bayameses,
que la patria os contempla orgullosa.
No temáis una muerte gloriosa,
que morir por la Patria es vivir.

En cadenas vivir, es vivir
en afrenta y oprobio sumido.
Del Clarín escuchad el sonido:
¡A las armas valientes corred!

National Anthem

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