León, Luis Leonel

León, Luis Leonel

Luis Leonel León was born on April 7, 1971 in La Habana, Cuba. He is a journalist, writer, and documentary filmmaker. Member of Academia de la Historia de Cuba en el Exilio (AHCE) board of directors and editor of the Anuario Histórico CubanoAmericano, for which he has coordinated dossiers on Cuba’s history and culture. Director of the cultural and editorial project Colección Fugas (coleccionfugas.com) dedicated to the literature and arts of the diaspora, where he has published works by Carlos Alberto Montaner and other classics of exile. Founder and publisher of the magazine El Nuevo Conservador (elnuevoconservador.com). 

Author of documentary series about Cuba and its exiles: Mariel 40 años, Brigada 2506 héroes cubanos, and 8×8 mujeres cubanas en busca de la libertad. Other of his award-winning documentaries are Habaneceres, La gracia de volver and Coro de ciudad. Newspapers in America and Europe publish his opinion column. He has written Cuba: nacer sin historia y vivir sin país, Ráfaga o repeticiones peligrosas, Historias de Cuba (dentro y fuera de la isla cárcel), and other books

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